A project of ISME’s History Standing Committee
Guido d’Arezzo
Guidonian Hand
ISME Website ISME History Standing Committee IHME Homepage BIBLIOGRAPHY OF HISTORICAL RESEACH METHODS   Sources of information for methods for and approaches to undertaking research in music education history  compiled by Robin Stevens The following is a representative bibliography of sources of information about research methods and approaches used for historical inquiry in music education. Cox, Gordon, "Transforming Research in Music Education History". In R.Colwell (ed) MENC Handbook of Research Methodologies. New York: Oxford University Press, 2006, pp. 73-94. Heller, George N., and Bruce D. Wilson. "Historical Research." In The H andbook of Research on Music Teaching and Learning, edited by Richard Colwell, 102-114. New York: Schirmer Books, 1992. McCarthy, Marie, "The past in the present: revitalising history in music education", British Journal of Music Education, 20(2), 2003, pp.121-134. Phelps, Roger P., Ronald H. Sadoff, Edward C Warburton, and Lawrence Ferrara. "Historical Research: Concepts and Techniques." In A Guide to Research in Music Education,205-238. Lanhan, Maryland: The Scarecrow Press, 2005. Phillips, Kenneth H. "Historical Research." In Exploring Research in Music Education and Music Therapy, 49-65. New York: Oxford University Press, 2008. Rainbow, Bernarr. "Historical Research." In Some Approaches to Research in Music Education, edited by Anthony E. Kemp, 19-32. Reading, UK: International Society for Music Education, 1992. Rainbow, Edward L., and Hildegard C. Froehlich. "Approaches to Historical Inquiry." In Research in Music Education: An Introduction to Systematic Inquiry,107-127. New York: Schirmer Books, 1987. Southcott, Jane. "Evaluating Music Education: The Role and Processes of Historical Inquiry." In Directions for the 21st Century: Research n Music Assessment and Evaluation (Proceeings of the XIX Conference), Australian Association for Research in Music Education, 33-42, 1998. ISME Website ISME History Standing Committee IHME Homepage Copyright © 2014 History Standing Committee, International Society for Music Education (ISME)